These guides are to be used as guidance to assist you in managing safety and your legal duties.
HSG 65 - Managing for Health and Safety The guidance explains the Plan, Do, Check, Act approach and shows how it can help you achieve a balance between the systems and behavioural aspects of management. It also treats health and safety management as an integral part of good management generally, rather than as a stand-alone system. Managing for Health and Safety - HSE hsg[...] Adobe Acrobat document [701.5 KB]
Health and Safety Tool Box Packed with sound advice to put you on the right track, The health and safety
toolbox: How to control risks at work covers the most common workplace hazards.
It shows how most small to medium-sized businesses can put measures into place
to control the risks. Health and Safety Tool Box - HSE hsg268.[...] Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]
Risk Assessment This leaflet is aimed at employers, managers and others with responsibility for health and safety. It will also be useful to employees and safety representatives. Risk Assessment - HSE indg163.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [226.0 KB]
Fire Safety in Construction The guidance will be extremely useful to all those who have a role in the development, management and application of fire safety standards on construction sites, ie clients, designers, contractors and principle designers. Fire Safety in Construction.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [3.0 MB]